Khokana Nepal is a province a bit south west from the country capital Kathmandu. It hosts one of the worlds most barbaric, cruel, and inhumane festivals in the world called Deopokhari festival. They put a goat in a bed of water with many men who pull, bite, tear, and thrash this poor innocent goat until it is died, in the most horrific way possible.
I’m searching for things we can do in terms of donations and petitions to try preventing this specific (cruelty-to-animals) festival. If you know of any please let me know by contacting me here.
DailyMail article about this terrible festival here.
My open letter to Delta Airlines about the transportation from “trophy hunting”
The killing of lion Cecil got me to thinking about Delta Airlines, hunting websites actively support Delta because they still legally allow the transportation of these murdered animals from “trophy hunting”. So to everyone out there, LETS DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS! Donate! Sign petiton against Delta Airlines, we have to ACT on these things, instead of reading on facebook and thinking “oh that’s sad” then move along to chatting with friends.
Here is my open letter to Delta Airlines about this. I am a long-time customer and frequent flyer on Delta.
I would definitely recommend Delta, and plan to always fly with Delta Airlines, BUT, today I read that Delta allows transportation of “trophies” from lowlife “trophy hunters” can you please let me know if this is true?
If so I will never recommend Delta to anyone and will soon plan to find other airlines for myself to join. (I really really hope this is not true!)
Thank you.
Delta, this is 2015 and why are you still allowing the the transportation of murder victims for peoples enjoyment?
UPDATE (August 1st): Delta’s reply was disappointing.
Thank you for contacting Delta Air Lines.
Delta accepts hunting trophies in accordance with all U.S. domestic and international regulations, which prohibits the possession of trophies or other items associated with protected species. Customers are required to produce detailed documentation of trophies to U.S. Customs and Border Patrol officials as their trophies undergo inspection.
We appreciate your selection of Delta and will always welcome the
opportunity to be of service.
But on August 3 Delta Airlines has released this statement about transporting trophy hunting:
Effective immediately, Delta will officially ban shipment of all lion, leopard, elephant, rhinoceros and buffalo trophies worldwide as freight. Prior to this ban, Delta’s strict acceptance policy called for absolute compliance with all government regulations regarding protected species. Delta will also review acceptance policies of other hunting trophies with appropriate government agencies and other organizations supporting legal shipments.
GREAT job people of Facebook, and everyone else who have called, emailed and sent messages to Delta about this concern!
A lowlife dentist from Minnesota named Walter Palmer is wanted for murdering the famous African lion by the name of “Cecil”. This scumbag supposedly paid $50,000 to earn the right to murder many endangered animals while on a safari in Zimbabwe, Africa.
Animals worst nightmare, Walter Palmer, dentist, killer, lowlife, murderer
Also, for those of you living in the Bloomington, Minneapolis, or St. Paul Minnesota area, please do not support this murderer, cancel your appointments, spread the word, and avoid giving this scumbag any of your business.
For the women in Minnesota, beware also because Walter Palmer is a known sex offender. Read more about that here.
His information:
Name: Walter Palmer
Website: (currently offline)
Address: 10851 Rhode Island Ave S, Bloomington, MN 55438, United States
Phone: +1 952-884-5361
Here are photos of more of his “trophy hunting”, murderous escapades, and some of his dentist office River Bluff Dental:
When woody’s owner died, the family sold the house and left Woody behind. This is a success story, heart warming, so watch to the end, please donate to Hope For Paws organization and also, if you know anyone who would like to give Woody a permanent home, please contact HopeForPaws here.
The San Fermin, Pamplona Spain “Running of the Bulls” festival is happening right now, and happens every year from July 6 – 14. They usually let loose about 6 “toro bravo” breed cattle (bulls) while wannabe “brave” assholes and drunken idiots run and try to avoid being thrown or trampled by these animals as they are part of the days human entertainment. The bulls run until the end of their line where they are tortured more and slaughtered. Read more about Running of the Bulls on the Wiki page here.
Peta says it well in this article, they call the men gored at Running of the Bulls as “mostly drunk” and “idiots”, which, in my opinion is absolute TRUTH.
According to PETA, Spanish activists uncover what happens to each each bull at the end of their running, their life ends, and looks like this……
Before eating “Foie Gras” please know and understand what you are doing to contribute to the horrific demise of ducks.
Foie Gras is a luxury food from a “specially fattened” duck liver. So these ducks are getting force fed, tortured, and eventually killed for what ends up on peopls plate as luxurious Foie gras.
Lets look at start to finish of Foie gras……….
From a beautiful Mulard duck…To horrified ducks in cages, waiting for tortured force feeding and death (picture thanks to animal rights activist Amber Lee Canavan, who was jailed for snapping these horrific photos)Tortured, barbaric, foie gras force feeding ducksTo Foie gras, on a plate ready to eat
The only point of this post is to try opening peoples eyes to some of the dishes they are eating. Some call this luxury food, whilst others call this the product of horrific, barbaric, torturous activity. It’s for you to decide the fate of these beautiful creatures. Please please think about that before ever trying/ordering meat dishes, especially something like Foie gras.
With all the talk about the Yulin Dog meat festival happening now, it becomes very depressing to know this is happening in our world. I just want to note some good (great!) things that are still happening.
Rita is a tiny dog, skin and bones found in Romania by the Maoland Animal Shelter. Look at how Rita has transformed from day 1 that she was found, until the most recent photo. It’s heart-warming for sure!
Rita before pictureRita after picture
Lets hope that Yulin turns out to be a success, by ending the horrific cruelest “festival” in the world.
Read the entire story and see all the pictures of Rita’s progress from day 1 til year later on their Facebook page here. Also you can donate to K-9 Angels in Romania, donate here.
Thank you Hemali Sodhi (Twitter), for Tweeting this awesome comment about this terrible Asian heat, and helping the animals through it.
It’s scorching hot for animals too. Please leave some water outside for the parched, homeless animals and birds. You may be saving a life.
I love it! Thank you Hemali, it’s a reminder to us all, that we are not the only ones miserably hot outside, our little homeless animals need help/water/love/care also! 🙂
Adrian Radford, aka Ian Farmer, is a gay rights activist and ex-British soldier who became friends with many animal rights activists including Heather Nicholson, Greg & Natasha Avery and others who were part of the SHAC group (wiki) (Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty).
SHAC is an animal rights activist group who took a stand against the animal torture experts at Huntingdon Life Sciences (wiki). This hypocrite, Radford, infiltrated the SHAC group and eventually reported all their activities to the police, which led to many arrests.
This is Adrian Radford.
Evidence that SHAC provided had proven that HLS had killed over 500 animals per day. And a lot of them tortured and dissected while still alive.
It is my opinion that these SHAC members who are still serving prison time should be released. If anyone needs to be in jail, it should be Adrian Radford “the beagle” and some members of HLS company.
Find more information about FBI informants, cheaters and snitches at the ALF “snitches” page here.