The Animal Rights National Conference is being held in Alexandria, Virginia (near to Washington, D.C.), on July 30 – August 2, 2015. Take a look at the converence website here: http://arconference.org
The expo is set to have 100 speakers from 60 different animal rights and animal protection organizations, including PETA, Farm Sanctuary, The Humane League, Mercy For Animals, SAEN, Compassion Over Killing, and many more. There will also be 100 sessions on animal advocacy, organizing, tactics and also confronting certain animal-related protection and environment issues.
I would love to start attending conferences and seminars at big animal rights expo’s like these. Just get more of an insight on what is going on with each animal rights organization, what they are doing to help, how they allocate their funds (so we/I can choose which ones to donate to, or not), and to possibly learn better ways on how to educate other people, or convince others to care about the animals in our world. And as Jenny Brown (founder of Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary) puts it, “Animals are with us, not FOR us“.
Anyone be an animal rights activist, even if you are a meat eater. We all need to stand up for animal rights, for the ethical treatment of animals, no matter if it’s pets, strays, or animals that people eat!
If you are in the area, please visit the conference and send us details, pictures, info, I would love to hear about it.
Register at ARConference here.