Isn’t this one of the most awesome things ever! It’s a real life Doggy paradise!!! Supposedly this is in Costa Rica
Category: Fun Stuff
Putting Animal Abusers To Sleep
I seen a facebook advertising this shirt: “I support putting animal abusers to sleep“. Very simple, no logos or images, only those strong words, I like it 🙂

You can buy from the Teespring page here. (We have no affiliation with this company or the designer(s) of this shirt, just sharing it because they seem to be animal lovers too 🙂 )
Norbert the dog adorable little high-fiving doggy
Seen this little adorable cutie pie Norbert The Dog on Facebook today. I had to make a post and spread the word/pic/video of this little high-fiving lil doggy. He’s such a cutie I’m sure you’ll all get a smile when seeing his face.
Norberts Facebook page here.
Norberts Youtube channel here.
Norberts Instagram page here.
Buy Norbert shirts, mugs and hats here.
So cute vine – “Ducks just wanna have fun”
I thought this was absolutely adorable. Ducks are so cute and awesome. Look, they have their own little mini waterpark in this vine titled “Ducks just wanna have fun”
Monkey? Big beautiful fat cats?
We love animals, cats, dogs, elephants, chickens, all! Sometimes there are terrible things to see on this website and other animal rights and activist websites. So sometimes we need to post things on a brighter note. Here are my babies, Blacky & Panda, in their new monkey outfit. They hated it, it’s too tight on their big fat bodies (LOL). So we got pics, but probably will never see them wearing this again unfortunately (unless they manage to lose some weight).

My sweethearts.
Black Cat Appreciation Day 2015
Happy “Black Cat Appreciation Day” for 2015! Here is my very own “Blacky” (aka Blacky-mama’s). She is a sweetheart and we will be giving her extra special love for today.
I hope you and all your cats, dogs, snakes, pigs, or any family pet you have will have special day, and special days always! They are all loving loyal creatures, especially when you’re willing to give your heart to them. 🙂
Toddler & dog cuddling togehter taking a nap
Is this adorable or what?
It’s titled “Raven napping with Addison”. Don’t worry ya’ll, this is only, absolutely a cute video with no surprises 🙂