A lowlife dentist from Minnesota named Walter Palmer is wanted for murdering the famous African lion by the name of “Cecil”. This scumbag supposedly paid $50,000 to earn the right to murder many endangered animals while on a safari in Zimbabwe, Africa.

New petitions include: Petition to Barack Obama to extradite Walter Palmer back to Zimbabwe here. and Petition the White house gov website here. Please also go to Change.org and sign petition to help protect these animals and also sign here to help seek justice for Cecil.
Also, for those of you living in the Bloomington, Minneapolis, or St. Paul Minnesota area, please do not support this murderer, cancel your appointments, spread the word, and avoid giving this scumbag any of your business.
For the women in Minnesota, beware also because Walter Palmer is a known sex offender. Read more about that here.
His information:
Name: Walter Palmer
Website: riverbluffdental.com (currently offline)
Address: 10851 Rhode Island Ave S, Bloomington, MN 55438, United States
Phone: +1 952-884-5361
Here are photos of more of his “trophy hunting”, murderous escapades, and some of his dentist office River Bluff Dental:
CNN also has a front page article about him here.
Here are some public legal documents about the now famous Doctor Walter Palmer:
I love Jimmy Kimmels segment about the beautiful Lion Cecil, check it out:
He is helping the research unit WildCRU, so if you can, please check out their site here and donate to their cause.