The killing of lion Cecil got me to thinking about Delta Airlines, hunting websites actively support Delta because they still legally allow the transportation of these murdered animals from “trophy hunting”. So to everyone out there, LETS DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS! Donate! Sign petiton against Delta Airlines, we have to ACT on these things, instead of reading on facebook and thinking “oh that’s sad” then move along to chatting with friends.
Here is my open letter to Delta Airlines about this. I am a long-time customer and frequent flyer on Delta.
I would definitely recommend Delta, and plan to always fly with Delta Airlines, BUT, today I read that Delta allows transportation of “trophies” from lowlife “trophy hunters” can you please let me know if this is true?
If so I will never recommend Delta to anyone and will soon plan to find other airlines for myself to join. (I really really hope this is not true!)
Thank you.
Delta, this is 2015 and why are you still allowing the the transportation of murder victims for peoples enjoyment?
UPDATE (August 1st): Delta’s reply was disappointing.
Thank you for contacting Delta Air Lines.
Delta accepts hunting trophies in accordance with all U.S. domestic and international regulations, which prohibits the possession of trophies or other items associated with protected species. Customers are required to produce detailed documentation of trophies to U.S. Customs and Border Patrol officials as their trophies undergo inspection.
We appreciate your selection of Delta and will always welcome the
opportunity to be of service.
But on August 3 Delta Airlines has released this statement about transporting trophy hunting:
Effective immediately, Delta will officially ban shipment of all lion, leopard, elephant, rhinoceros and buffalo trophies worldwide as freight. Prior to this ban, Delta’s strict acceptance policy called for absolute compliance with all government regulations regarding protected species. Delta will also review acceptance policies of other hunting trophies with appropriate government agencies and other organizations supporting legal shipments.
GREAT job people of Facebook, Change.org and everyone else who have called, emailed and sent messages to Delta about this concern!