Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump are lowlifes who kill precious animals for sport, or for trophies. Big smiles all around while holding dead animals they senselessly killed. Hoping karma whoops them in the ass!
There is a video advertisement that was out before Trump won the election, on Dailymail here, check it out, showing all these republicans pushing out support for Trumps, including: Mark Geist, Michael Waddell, Ted Nugent, Tiffany Lakosky, Ronnie “Cuz” Strickland, Keith Mark, Jason Hairston, Julie Kreuter, Sean Hannity, Kris Kobach, mostly all losers imo.
He’s also having a charity even that allows investors and donors the ability to trophy hunt with the Trump brothers, able to kill bald eagle, grizzley bear, elk, and many more 🙁
What a sad day for animal lovers and animal advocates. Today, January 29, 2016 British helicoptor pilot who was helping Tanzanian wildlife authorites find elephant poachers was gunned down by the poachers using AK-47’s. He was able to land near Serengeti National Park where he died of his gunshots/wounds before help arrived. Authorities said there is a manhunt for 3 of the poachers believed to be involved in the shooting and death of Mr. Gower. He was only 37 years of age.
Richard Gower’s downed helicoptor
Youc an see bullet holes and blood in seats
Authorites investigating the crash site
Richard Gower flying helicopter recent photo
Wreckage of Mr. Gower’s helicoptor
Read the full story about Mr. Gower and the piece of shit elephant poachers and ivory trade f*ckers here.
Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo has a lot of beautiful & endangered animals. The true heroes are there, in ranger uniform gaurding these endangered mountain gorillas. Men like Jean Claude Kiza Vunabandi who was killed on October 25th, 2015, and 100’s more rangers there who’ve been killed defending these beautiful innocent animals in the past years.
If you get the chance, watch the 2014 documentary “Virunga”, the films motto is awesome! It is “Conservation is war”.
Read more about there great animal rights saviors at this CNN article here.
Boniface Matthew Mariango aka “The Devil” has finally been arrested in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, from his involvement in poaching 1000’s of elephants in the past 3 years. Read more about it here.
Lets just hope he gets a stiff penalty for murdering these beautiful elephants for the African ivory trade (life in prison? Would love that!)
Jimmy John Liautaud is just another shithead that has been exposed for his trophy hunting in Africa. He went trophy hunting and slaughtered, murdered, everything from elephants, leopards, bears, and he is so heartless that he even murdered endangered species like rhino’s!
My personal message sent to Jimmy Johns feedback page:
I learned of Jimmy John and his trophy hunting, i will NEVER eat at Jimmy Johns again. I will also spread the word about this the best I can. This disgusts me about you Mr. Liautaud.
I have personally dubbed Sabrina Corgatelli the ditzy “hunter whore”. She is a ditzy American from Idaho who actually has the nerve to publicly stand behind her stance on hunting.
Here are some actual comments she made:
when you hunt an animal everybody just thinks you’re a cold-hearted killer, and it’s not that, and there is a connection with the animal, and just because we hunt them doesnt mean we dont have a respect for them, but giraffes are very dangerous animals, they could hurt you seriously very quickly
1. If you’re not a cold-hearted killer, then what are you? a soft caring killer?
2. If you were being killed for absolutely no reason, hunted, would you hope that your killer has a “connection” with you, and has “respect” for you? I would be pissed as hell if some random person comes along to kill me for the hell of it.
3. Giraffes are dangerous? who gives a shit! Humans are dangerous! Snakes, insects, lions, people are dangerous, what does that even matter in terms of hunting morality? That is one of the most ignorant comments I’ve ever heard when it comes to hunters trying logic to defend their hunting rights.
So, after Sabrina’s comments and actions, she fits well to be “Sabrina Corgatelli – hunter whore” from Idaho.
Sabrina Corgatelli the hunter whore
See the CNN article and viral video about Sabrina and her comments defending her trophy hunting safari’s in Africa here.
Look how proud she is, standing next to her innocent, murdered giraffe. What a coward, loser, and lowlife.
A lowlife dentist from Minnesota named Walter Palmer is wanted for murdering the famous African lion by the name of “Cecil”. This scumbag supposedly paid $50,000 to earn the right to murder many endangered animals while on a safari in Zimbabwe, Africa.
Animals worst nightmare, Walter Palmer, dentist, killer, lowlife, murderer
Also, for those of you living in the Bloomington, Minneapolis, or St. Paul Minnesota area, please do not support this murderer, cancel your appointments, spread the word, and avoid giving this scumbag any of your business.
For the women in Minnesota, beware also because Walter Palmer is a known sex offender. Read more about that here.
His information:
Name: Walter Palmer
Website: (currently offline)
Address: 10851 Rhode Island Ave S, Bloomington, MN 55438, United States
Phone: +1 952-884-5361
Here are photos of more of his “trophy hunting”, murderous escapades, and some of his dentist office River Bluff Dental: