How unnatural is this? Please sign the petition to try stopping this cruel and unusual treatment to the monkeys and dogs at the Wilmington Blue Rocks minor league baseball games.
How unnatural is this? Please sign the petition to try stopping this cruel and unusual treatment to the monkeys and dogs at the Wilmington Blue Rocks minor league baseball games.
Montreal Quebec Canada passed a law to outlaw pitbulls in their city. Shame on you Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre, who voted in favor of a bill that would ban pitbulls from their city.
Sure pitbulls, like any other dogs, animals, humans can hurt people, but shouldn’t the responsibility of any damage from a pet/animal be on the pet owners? Making pitbulls illegal and killing as many good/bad/innocent ones as possible is NOT the answer.
Please sign the petition here to reverse this barbaric cruel ban (already over 400,000 have signed this petition) or you can donate to the Destiny’s Road Animal Rescue and All About Animals campaign to save them here.
**From Oct 3, 2016 pit bulls and similar breeds will become banned and subject to discriminatory euthanization in Montreal. All pitbulls in Montreal shelters can be euthanized despite being healthy, adoptable, despite there being space to house them – according to the new law, simply because they have a “large head”. In addition owned pitbulls can be taken away and euthanized if owners don’t abide to strict new rules including a registration fee up to $300. There are no words to describe this injustice and lack of education. Please help Destiny’s Road Animal Rescue help save as many pit bulls as possible in Montreal by donating.**
Read the BBC news article here.
It’s this time of year again, where the Chinese Guangxi Province host the Yulin Lychee and Dog Meat Festival. Many of these animals are stolen from residents and sold at this festival and market. They skin the animals alive, beat them to death, then sell their “meat” to thousands of Chinese attendees. Even though 64% of Chinese (according to CCTV, China’s national broadcaster) are AGAINST eating dogs and think this eating dogs should be banned in China.
Many people argue, “we eat pics, cows, etc, why do we make such a big deal about eating dogs?”, my reply to those people is:
In a perfect world, (in my opinion) also pigs/cows/etc would not be harvested and slaughtered for human consumption… people do not NEED animal flesh to live. You eat it because that’s what you were raised to eat, and so were your parents and before them. It’s “normal” but that doesn’t necessarily it’s right, nor does it mean that you should have the right to eat anything in the world that is non human. Animals are born and raised by their mothers/fathers, with the same organs as humans, we are more intelligent than the way we act.
The taste of a juicy burger that we ate since young, compared to the knowledge of the fact all animals have nervous systems, brains, feelings, emotions…. most of us choose to ignore that for the selfish fact we can continue eating those tasty burgers rather than boring vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc. imo.
I welcome your comments and opinions too. If you do not agree with me, please don’t send hate mail, but instead enlighten me! I am inviting for discussion on this topic.
Thank you
Isn’t this one of the most awesome things ever! It’s a real life Doggy paradise!!! Supposedly this is in Costa Rica
Albert Einstein said, “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”
This website about the Korean dog meat trade helps you find politicians and even has sample letters you can use to send to them. Here.
WARNING, this video is VERY graphic 🙁 But remember people, this is happening in our world RIGHT NOW! Lets make changes and do something to stop this violence and indecency. Amazing how low some people will go. 🙁
Rodrigo Duterte is the front runner for the upcoming Philippines presidency. Some comments he made years back about cleaning up the stray animals problem was, in his exact words: “The best solution to rid the city (Davao City) of stray dogs is by shooting them or poisoning them.” (Source is Philippine Daily Inquirer here.)
How could someone be a presidential hopeful when barbaric comments like these are being made? This is just disgusting!
Andrew Frankish and Daniel Frankish are lowlife cowards who decided to video tape themselves throwing Baby the bulldog down the stairs which led to Baby’s death later.
Please sign the petition to help give them the justice they deserve, instead of the slap on the wrist they currently have 🙁
Richard Cope, the MONSTER of Michigan City, Indiana had charges filed against him for brutalizing, terrorizing a 4 month old white pitbull puppy. Neighbors found the pitbull, named Christmas Chance, with 2 broken hips and his mouth taped shut with electrical tape, as you can see from the photos, he’ll be scarred around his mouth for life. Please help urge the Indiana court system to give maximum penalty for this piece of shit Richard Cope.
You can read more about it at the NWITimes here.
Seen this little adorable cutie pie Norbert The Dog on Facebook today. I had to make a post and spread the word/pic/video of this little high-fiving lil doggy. He’s such a cutie I’m sure you’ll all get a smile when seeing his face.
Norberts Facebook page here.
Norberts Youtube channel here.
Norberts Instagram page here.
Buy Norbert shirts, mugs and hats here.
I just recently seen that every page of IMGUR now has a banner up top seeking donations to helpt he San Francisco SPCA, (visit SFSPCA website) great job IMGUR and SPCA! See their donation page here or visit imgur.com
I really like this timeline showing how the SF SPCA was founded, and some major things that took place all on this image timline: