Adrian Radford, aka Ian Farmer, is a gay rights activist and ex-British soldier who became friends with many animal rights activists including Heather Nicholson, Greg & Natasha Avery and others who were part of the SHAC group (wiki) (Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty).
SHAC is an animal rights activist group who took a stand against the animal torture experts at Huntingdon Life Sciences (wiki). This hypocrite, Radford, infiltrated the SHAC group and eventually reported all their activities to the police, which led to many arrests.
This is Adrian Radford.
Evidence that SHAC provided had proven that HLS had killed over 500 animals per day. And a lot of them tortured and dissected while still alive.
It is my opinion that these SHAC members who are still serving prison time should be released. If anyone needs to be in jail, it should be Adrian Radford “the beagle” and some members of HLS company.
Find more information about FBI informants, cheaters and snitches at the ALF “snitches” page here.
It is 2015 and we still have barbaric acts, and even FESTIVALS happening in this world. Such as the Yulin dog & cat meat festival in Yulin. According to many top news reports these dogs are not only eaten, but tortured, electrocuted and skinned alive!
Here is a quote from Wiki page, gathered from various news reports from The Guardian, CNN, Pandaguide and NewRepublic: “Yulin Summer Solstice Dog Meat Festival where in 2013 over 10,000 dogs were consumed. Many of the dogs are electrocuted, burned and skinned while alive and conscious.”
Have you had enough yet? Please BEWARE when seeing these Youtube videos, they are VERY VERY disturbing 🙁 (But, we cannot ignore these things forever! Lets fight back!)
One of the many things we can do is sign the petition at petitioning the Yulin Governor Chu Wen to stop this festival in GuangXi China.
Thank you to certain projects and organizations like the Duo Duo Project, whos main purpose is to end animal cruelty, especially events like the dog meat festivals.
Animal Ideology just donated now (june 15) a small amount of $. Remember everyone, each penny counts, towards the full battle against this horrendous, painful and torturous animal holocaust.
This scuzzball lowlife, 21 years of age, Jahmal Anthony Swaby from Athens, Alabama was just sentenced to 8 years in prison for cruelty to animals. He intentionally put a cat inside a dogs cage to watch it get killed. His friend, Trevaughn Miquan Thomas, also enjoyed this barbaric act of cruelty with him.
What a couple of sick disgusting minds at work. These 2 lowlifes should be locked up forever.
Rebecca Francis is the scumbag who has the nerve to kill innocent animals and enjoys lying next to her kill with a big smile as seen here….
Murderer lying next to her victim with a smile
Now these are exactly the type of filth that Animal Ideology would love to whipe off this planet. And to be politcally correct, in terms of changing their selfish mentality about animals. This type of human is ignorant and does not even know it, they need to be re-educated about life and how important it to each one of us living beings. Taking a life is bad, but taking a life and smiling in photos next to their dead victims? This this kind of blatant murder and flaunting needs to be stopped.
I want personally give MAD PROPS to comedian Ricky Gervais for standing up to this scumbag excuse for a human being. See the Business Insider article about that here and at CNN here.
My personal letter to Rebecca Francis:
Dear Scumbag, you are such a filth of this world and someday I pray that you find the front end of a bus in your mouth
I hope this message gets passed along to you Ms. Francis and lets all hope karma is real deal 🙂
Thailand is infamous for the cruel dog exporting to Vietnam for “dog meat trade”. Not only are these domesticated animals eaten, they are tortured and put into VERY harsh living conditions, like being smashed together in barbed wire fenced crates stacked on top of each other, with no water, and not food 🙁
Please help take a stand against this cruel business, help by donating to Soi Dog Foundation, it was created to help animals, especially dogs caught into the illegal and torturous dog meat trade.
Also, please sign and share the petition to “Stop The Dog Meat Smuggling Trade!” Sign the petition here PLEASE. We need to convince Thailand’s prime minister and head of hte NCPO (National Council for Peace & Order) General Prayuth Chan-ocha to step up and realize this is hurting not only the animals caught in this mess, but also the minds ands happiness of people that suffer seeing and knowing these terrible things are happening.