Here is a lowlife piece of shit subhuman by the name of Nicholas (Nick) Garcia. He intentionally lit a firework and threw it for a pitbull to run after which ended up “blowing the face off” of this pitbull and killing him. This scum was released on only $5,000 bail in Joliet, Illinois. I would like to ask you Illinois justice system, do you let a man like this go free, so easily, so cheap, and call this justice? WTF!
Look at this post on Nick Garcia’s facebook page:

He laughed about blowing a face off of a living being. PLEASE HELP!
Sign the petition to try giving him a stiff sentence HERE.
I signed with this to say:
He’s a lifetime criminial from illegal weapon charges, armed robbery, drug dealing, and now he’s into cruelty to animals with illegal fireworks. The longer this guy is free on our streets, the more chance he will escalate to murder (of people). Please please please lock this lowlife up for MANY MANY YEARS!
Also please contact the county, and demand for justice from this horrendous act. Contact Will County here.
AnimalIdeology letter to the Will County States Attorneys Office:
Hi I am contacting you about Nicholas (Nick) Garcia. Someone living in my area/state etc like this, intentionally blowing up a dogs face… intentionally killing any animals for “fun” i think deserve a LONG time in jail. How would it feel to be living near someone like this?
Please give this lowlife a long time in jail. I beg you, i would not want my neighbors, friends, family or children be anywhere near a sick person like this.
Please write your own version of a letter to Will Co. States Attorney.
UPDATE, Saturday August 22 Will County State Attorney replied:
Thank you for reaching out to our office. Like everyone who loves pets, State’s Attorney Jim Glasgow was appalled by the horrific and eventually fatal injuries suffered by a pit bull named “America” who picked up a lit explosive device on the Fourth of July in Joliet, Illinois.
The Will County State’s Attorney’s Office has filed the strongest felony charge possible under Illinois law based upon the evidence that has been obtained by police and prosecutors up to this point. Upon conviction, the felony charge in this case carries a potential penalty of up to six years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000.
State’s Attorney Glasgow has been aggressively fighting against animal cruelty throughout his career. In 1999, he authored a statute that legally defined the torture of animals and made the abuse of an animal a felony for the first time in Illinois history. It provides for a sentence of up to 10 years in prison and a fine up to $25,000. He also made certain the statute provides for a mandatory psychiatric evaluation of the animal abuser.
As the caring owner of two amazing dogs, a Great Dane named Hobbs and a Border Collie named Maverick, State’s Attorney Glasgow is always ready to prosecute criminals under the animal torture statute that he wrote when the charges are warranted by the available evidence. He has immediately begun work on new animal cruelty legislation that would address the conduct like that alleged in this case and also adding much needed protections for therapy dogs and the newly authorized court service dogs. It should be noted that Jackson, our current therapy dog for the Will County Children’s Advocacy Center, will soon be utilized as a court service dog. State’s Attorney Glasgow takes all allegations of animal cruelty so seriously that for years he has designated a dedicated and passionate prosecutor to intensively review and aggressively charge these cases based upon the available evidence.
The investigation into this case is ongoing. When or if additional evidence becomes available, the State’s Attorney’s Office will review the case and give all due consideration to filing additional charges.
Thank you Will County, we respect your outlook on this case and trust you will do what is fair and justice to put this criminal, violent and dangerous scumball in jail for a long time. (the max 10 years would be wonderful, perfect fit for Nick)