Sandy Barbabell is such a beautiful person with such beautiful intentions. She lost her own pets so now, on her spare time, she goes to the Western Pennsylvania Humane Society to read to the lonely homeless animals.
Ms. Barbabell you are AWESOME!
You have to love the goodness and heart that she has for having such great intentions.
Today I learned of this sick fellow from Texas by the name of Kerry Krottinger. He is a Texas millionaire who built his riches from his Texas oil companies including Primrose Operating Company, Pecos Exporation Company, Nyala Inc, Maple Leaf Petroleum Inc, and Kudu Inc.
Sign the petition here to bring justice to the serial killer Kerry K.
As you can see in the picture above, he loves to murder animals from all over the world. Him and his sick wife Libby are posing proudly in their “chamber of death”. These are real life Bubba “Leatherface” Sawyers. How can they, in 2015, sick minded people like this get away with causing so much torture, pain, and killing all in the name of fun, ego, entertainment?
Lets make changes people. These people deserve spit in their face, business deals cancelled, unfriended, etc!
My letter to you Kerry & Libby the proud trophy hunters….. would first wish that you would wakeup, realize what you are doing. Killing is not right, in any case, and no matter how much money you have (unless of course self defence or such matters). If you so called “love Africa” then help the animals & people there by donating to charities to help them. Not going there, murdering and carving up these precious lives. Seek help, seek forgiveness! You both really need it. You are being so creepy that you’re both comparative to Leatherface, Jack the Ripper & Hannibal Lecter! Stop being creeps, please!
I have personally dubbed Sabrina Corgatelli the ditzy “hunter whore”. She is a ditzy American from Idaho who actually has the nerve to publicly stand behind her stance on hunting.
Here are some actual comments she made:
when you hunt an animal everybody just thinks you’re a cold-hearted killer, and it’s not that, and there is a connection with the animal, and just because we hunt them doesnt mean we dont have a respect for them, but giraffes are very dangerous animals, they could hurt you seriously very quickly
1. If you’re not a cold-hearted killer, then what are you? a soft caring killer?
2. If you were being killed for absolutely no reason, hunted, would you hope that your killer has a “connection” with you, and has “respect” for you? I would be pissed as hell if some random person comes along to kill me for the hell of it.
3. Giraffes are dangerous? who gives a shit! Humans are dangerous! Snakes, insects, lions, people are dangerous, what does that even matter in terms of hunting morality? That is one of the most ignorant comments I’ve ever heard when it comes to hunters trying logic to defend their hunting rights.
So, after Sabrina’s comments and actions, she fits well to be “Sabrina Corgatelli – hunter whore” from Idaho.
Sabrina Corgatelli the hunter whore
See the CNN article and viral video about Sabrina and her comments defending her trophy hunting safari’s in Africa here.
Look how proud she is, standing next to her innocent, murdered giraffe. What a coward, loser, and lowlife.
Today is a great step for animal rights. Delta Airlines has banned the transport of certain animals from trophy hunting!
On behalf of all animal lovers and sympathic people around the world, I would like to thank you Delta Airlines for banning the transportation of lions, leopards, elephants, rhino’s, and buffalo bodies/parts from cruel and heartless trophy hunters. It’s not totally what we’re aiming for, but it’s definitely progress 🙂
See the actual Delta Airlines statement about it here. Which says……
Effective immediately, Delta will officially ban shipment of all lion, leopard, elephant, rhinoceros and buffalo trophies worldwide as freight. Prior to this ban, Delta’s strict acceptance policy called for absolute compliance with all government regulations regarding protected species. Delta will also review acceptance policies of other hunting trophies with appropriate government agencies and other organizations supporting legal shipments.
Ted Nugent is a subhumanoid, singer, songwriter, hunter, and lowlife scum piece of shit. This guy is such a pssy that he feels the only way he can prove and “be a man” is by killing things.
Ted Nugent – douchebag of the decade
This scum-of-the-Earth deadbeat has the nerve to insult people who stand up against animal cruelty. Read what this scum bucket has to say about many of us animal rigths activists at his wikipedia page
A lowlife dentist from Minnesota named Walter Palmer is wanted for murdering the famous African lion by the name of “Cecil”. This scumbag supposedly paid $50,000 to earn the right to murder many endangered animals while on a safari in Zimbabwe, Africa.
Animals worst nightmare, Walter Palmer, dentist, killer, lowlife, murderer
Also, for those of you living in the Bloomington, Minneapolis, or St. Paul Minnesota area, please do not support this murderer, cancel your appointments, spread the word, and avoid giving this scumbag any of your business.
For the women in Minnesota, beware also because Walter Palmer is a known sex offender. Read more about that here.
His information:
Name: Walter Palmer
Website: (currently offline)
Address: 10851 Rhode Island Ave S, Bloomington, MN 55438, United States
Phone: +1 952-884-5361
Here are photos of more of his “trophy hunting”, murderous escapades, and some of his dentist office River Bluff Dental:
When woody’s owner died, the family sold the house and left Woody behind. This is a success story, heart warming, so watch to the end, please donate to Hope For Paws organization and also, if you know anyone who would like to give Woody a permanent home, please contact HopeForPaws here.
The Animal Rights National Conference is being held in Alexandria, Virginia (near to Washington, D.C.), on July 30 – August 2, 2015. Take a look at the converence website here:
The expo is set to have 100 speakers from 60 different animal rights and animal protection organizations, including PETA, Farm Sanctuary, The Humane League, Mercy For Animals, SAEN, Compassion Over Killing, and many more. There will also be 100 sessions on animal advocacy, organizing, tactics and also confronting certain animal-related protection and environment issues.
I would love to start attending conferences and seminars at big animal rights expo’s like these. Just get more of an insight on what is going on with each animal rights organization, what they are doing to help, how they allocate their funds (so we/I can choose which ones to donate to, or not), and to possibly learn better ways on how to educate other people, or convince others to care about the animals in our world. And as Jenny Brown (founder of Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary) puts it, “Animals are with us, not FOR us“.
Anyone be an animal rights activist, even if you are a meat eater. We all need to stand up for animal rights, for the ethical treatment of animals, no matter if it’s pets, strays, or animals that people eat!
If you are in the area, please visit the conference and send us details, pictures, info, I would love to hear about it.
Pamela Anderson has done great things for animal rights, being a huge contributing member of PETA and many other organizations and her own foundation PAF, Pamela Anderson Foundation. We’d just like to give a huge “WE LOVE YOU PAMMY!” from AnimalIdeology 🙂
Pamela Anderson does great things for animals. We love you!