Owner died and this sweet dog was alone 1 year starving

When woody’s owner died, the family sold the house and left Woody behind. This is a success story, heart warming, so watch to the end, please donate to Hope For Paws organization and also, if you know anyone who would like to give Woody a permanent home, please contact HopeForPaws here.

Please share teh video and donate to Hope For Paws or other animal rescue websites.

Yulin Dog Meat Festival in GuangXi China

It is 2015 and we still have barbaric acts, and even FESTIVALS happening in this world. Such as the Yulin dog & cat meat festival in Yulin. According to many top news reports these dogs are not only eaten, but tortured, electrocuted and skinned alive!

Sign petition here (Change.org) — Donate funds here (Humane Society)

Here is a quote from Wiki page, gathered from various news reports from The Guardian, CNN, Pandaguide and NewRepublic: “Yulin Summer Solstice Dog Meat Festival where in 2013 over 10,000 dogs were consumed. Many of the dogs are electrocuted, burned and skinned while alive and conscious.

Have you had enough yet? Please BEWARE when seeing these Youtube videos, they are VERY VERY disturbing 🙁 (But, we cannot ignore these things forever! Lets fight back!)


One of the many things we can do is sign the petition at Change.org petitioning the Yulin Governor Chu Wen to stop this festival in GuangXi China.

Sign petition here (Change.org) — Donate funds here (Humane Society)

Sign petition here (Change.org) — Donate funds here (Humane Society)

Thank you to certain projects and organizations like the Duo Duo Project, whos main purpose is to end animal cruelty, especially events like the dog meat festivals.

See the DuoDuoProject info & site: http://www.duoduoproject.org

Animal Ideology just donated now (june 15) a small amount of $. Remember everyone, each penny counts, towards the full battle against this horrendous, painful and torturous animal holocaust.

Please donate to Humane Society

Sign petition here (Change.org) — Donate funds here (Humane Society)

Perfect example of: “Do what you can”

Many people say “do what you can” to help animals, starving, frightenend or even filthy! Sorasart Wisetsin is an avid animal lover who finds stray animals on the streets of Thailand and bathes them. Check out this youtube video, really inspiring!


As you can see, there are many ways we can all help animals, in our own ways, on our own times, at our own expenses. Sorasart chooses this way, your way may be very different.

Sorasart, you are a HERO!