This asshole had the nerve to mention the word “humanity” in his recent interview with Minneapolis Star Tribune. He says:
“This has been especially hard on my wife and my daughter,” he told the AP and Star Tribune. “They’ve been threatened in the social media, and again … I don’t understand that level of humanity to come after people not involved at all.”
In all honesty, I don’t believe people should be directing any insults or attention to his wife or family, I think the full responsibility falls on Palmer.
Pretty ironic that a major douchebag like Walter Palmer has the nerve to discuss, critique or even mention the word “humanity” after his murderous life is now on display for anyone to see. His illegal killing of bears, his shooting, tracking, killing, skinning and beheading of Cecil the Lion in Zimbabwe in July. In my opinion he has absolutely no right to even begin discussing or mentioning the word “humanity”.
He says he doesn’t understand “the level of humanity” for people throwing insults at his family, I don’t agree with them but totally understand them, it’s outrage, disgust, anger!
Where is the humanity in a subhumanoid like The Palmerator going out, wounding animals, tracking them while they are in pain and suffering, and finally shooting and killing him with a gun, THEN…. yes there is more…. THEN, skinning their bodies and beheading them to add their lifeless head onto his trophy wall. Hey Palmerator, how has humankind lowered itself to THIS LEVEL OF HUMANITY? Such senseless useless killings 🙁

He says his patients want him back, if you are 1 of those customers, shame on you!
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Sorry to inform you all, but Walter Palmer is not being charged with any wrongdoings from his murder of Cecil the Lion 🙁